National Pre-Surveillance Meeting was held from 24-25 November 2016 for 1st Batch and 28-29 November 2016 for 2nd Batch. The meeting was inaugurated by Dr C.V Dharma Rao, Joint Secretary (NACO). The purpose of the meeting was to take update from the SACS on the status of preparation for the upcoming 15th round of HIV Sentinel Surveillance. Also the SACS officers were given update on HIV Sentinel Surveillance training & supervision guidelines and HSS module in SIMS. The venue of the meeting was Conference Hall, National Documentation Centre (NDC), National Institute of Health & Family Welfare. The participants from SACS included Epidemiologist, Deputy Director (M&E) and M&E officer from respective SACS and HSS focal person, project co-ordinator, research officer from the eight nodal and regional institutes i.e. NIHFW, NIMS, NARI, AIIMS, NIE, NICED, RIMS and PGIMER.