HIV Estimation 2023 Technical Report | डाउनलोड (13.18 MB) | 13/01/2025 |
Handbook for HIV & STI Counsellors, October 2023 | डाउनलोड (18.7 MB) | 06/01/2025 |
National HIV Counselling and Testing Guidelines 2024 | डाउनलोड (14.45 MB) | 06/01/2025 |
National Guidelines for Elimination of Vertical Transmission of HIV and Syphilis 2024 | डाउनलोड (14.63 MB) | 06/01/2025 |
Facilitator Guide for HIV and STI Counsellors, April 2024 | डाउनलोड (12.04 MB) | 06/01/2025 |
SANKALAK_6th _Edition | डाउनलोड (36.47 MB) | 26/12/2024 |
Sankalak_Booklet_Fifth_Edition_2023 | डाउनलोड (28.46 MB) | 26/12/2024 |
National Technical Guidelines on Sexually Transmitted Infections and Reproductive Tract Infections - 2024 | डाउनलोड (13.2 MB) | 20/12/2024 |
NGO/CBO Implementing TI/LWS as of August 2023 | | 07/10/2024 |
Facilitators'_Guide_for_Training_of_MOs_on_STI_services | डाउनलोड (40.88 MB) | 12/07/2024 |
HIV Estimate Factsheet 2023 | डाउनलोड (16.92 MB) | 21/06/2024 |
Sankalak_Booklet_Fifth_Edition_2023 | डाउनलोड (28.46 MB) | 04/06/2024 |
NACO Internship Guidelines, 2024 (NEW) | डाउनलोड (656.81 KB) | 24/05/2024 |
Bridge revised OG final version website | डाउनलोड (5.79 MB) | 23/02/2024 |
Community System Strengthening Response in India_A Process Document | डाउनलोड (4.86 MB) | 23/02/2024 |
SoP for reaching the unreached HRGs operating at Spa_through Network Operators_at web based platforms under NACP | डाउनलोड (2.19 MB) | 23/02/2024 |
Final_Research Compendium Volume 1 | डाउनलोड (36.81 MB) | 31/01/2024 |
Terms of Reference _State and District Community Resource Group under CSS | डाउनलोड (551.5 KB) | 24/01/2024 |
National Consultation on SoP for SPA Massage Parlours, Network Operators and Web-based platforms under NACP | डाउनलोड (9.24 MB) | 24/01/2024 |
Sankalak Status of National AIDS Response Fifth Edition (2023) | डाउनलोड (28.46 MB) | 28/12/2023 |
National_Data_Analysis_Plan_II_report | डाउनलोड (2.41 MB) | 15/03/2023 |
National_Data_Hub_User_Manual_and_SoP | डाउनलोड (6.5 MB) | 15/03/2023 |
SOP_for_data_sharing | डाउनलोड (200.87 KB) | 15/03/2023 |
Whitepaper_on_Transgender_Persons_Health | डाउनलोड (5.38 MB) | 03/03/2023 |
HIV_Sentinel _Surveillance | डाउनलोड (2.48 MB) | 10/01/2023 |
Central Prison Report | डाउनलोड (7.58 MB) | 23/12/2022 |
NACO Stigma Handbook | डाउनलोड (11.74 MB) | 23/12/2022 |
DISHA - OG-Final | डाउनलोड (4.4 MB) | 23/12/2022 |
Sankalak_Report | डाउनलोड (28.46 MB) | 22/12/2022 |
HIV Sentinel Surveillance Plus 2021 | डाउनलोड (2.48 MB) | 22/12/2022 |
State wise list of Ombudsman-Final | डाउनलोड (234.21 KB) | 18/12/2022 |
Technical Specification Dual Test kit (HIV & Syphilis) | डाउनलोड (21.62 MB) | 09/09/2022 |
Technical Specification Mobile ICTC | डाउनलोड (7.56 MB) | 09/09/2022 |
Prevention Progress Update TI, LWS & OST FY 2020-21 | डाउनलोड (5 MB) | 13/07/2022 |
SoP_for_Identification_of_Community_Champions_Final ver | डाउनलोड (3.42 MB) | 08/07/2022 |
Technical_Specifications_BSD_&_STI | डाउनलोड (21.34 MB) | 22/06/2022 |
HIV and AIDS Policy for Establishments 2022 | डाउनलोड (2.17 MB) | 26/05/2022 |
Combaids | डाउनलोड (1.05 MB) | 26/05/2022 |
National Technical Guidelines for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis | डाउनलोड (7.69 MB) | 17/05/2022 |
Report on the National Workshop on Strengthening Mainstreaming Efforts in NACP | डाउनलोड (10.72 MB) | 17/05/2022 |
National AIDS and STD Control Programme Phase-V: Strategy Document | डाउनलोड (2.15 MB) | 04/05/2022 |
Workshop_Report_Final | डाउनलोड (1.49 MB) | 04/05/2022 |
White Paper_NACO final | डाउनलोड (16.91 MB) | 28/04/2022 |
sankalakthirdedition | डाउनलोड (13.98 MB) | 19/04/2022 |
Standard Operating Procedure for NACP Data Management at NACO, SACS and NACP establishment | डाउनलोड (212.23 KB) | 06/04/2022 |
Standard Operating Procedure for NACP Data Sharing at NACO and SACS | डाउनलोड (200.87 KB) | 06/04/2022 |
Sankalak Status of National AIDS Response, Second Edition (2020) | डाउनलोड (11.33 MB) | 11/03/2022 |
Submission of the National Stakeholder Consultation Report | डाउनलोड (12.45 MB) | 11/03/2022 |
Statewise List of Complaints Officer | डाउनलोड (1.76 MB) | 27/01/2022 |
Reporting Format Complaints Officer | डाउनलोड (91.13 KB) | 27/01/2022 |
District-Level HIV Estimates and Prioritization in India 2019: Technical Brief | डाउनलोड (5.11 MB) | 13/12/2021 |
IEG Implementation Completion and Result Report | डाउनलोड (2.01 MB) | 01/09/2021 |
Statewise List of Ombudsman | डाउनलोड (272.83 KB) | 04/08/2021 |
India@75 and NACO | डाउनलोड (271.57 KB) | 04/08/2021 |
Notification of HIV and AIDS Act, 2017 | | 14/07/2021 |
HIV and AIDS Act- English | | 14/07/2021 |
HIV and AIDS Act-Hindi | | 14/07/2021 |
Centre Rules | डाउनलोड (1.8 MB) | 14/07/2021 |
Office Memorandum | डाउनलोड (867.23 KB) | 14/07/2021 |
Procedures for the Establishments and the Complaint Officers under the HIV & AIDS (Prevention & Control) Act, 2017 | | 13/07/2021 |
Constitution of National Working Group for Community System Strengthening (CSS) | डाउनलोड (12.59 MB) | 19/05/2021 |
National Stakeholder Consultation on Community System Strengthening (CSS) | डाउनलोड (11.66 MB) | 19/05/2021 |
Final Report of Third Party Evaluation of NACP Phase IV and Extension | डाउनलोड (3.79 MB) | 16/05/2021 |
Standard Operating Procedures for SCM under NACP_Final Version | डाउनलोड (8.71 MB) | 05/02/2021 |
Sankalak Status of National AIDS Response, Second Edition (2020) | डाउनलोड (7.6 MB) | 15/12/2020 |
Programmatic Mapping And Population Size Estimation (p-MPSE) Of High-Risk Groups: The Operational Manual | डाउनलोड (1.46 MB) | 28/10/2020 |
Letter to line Departments | डाउनलोड (964.31 KB) | 22/10/2020 |
Letter to PDs, All SACS | डाउनलोड (687.24 KB) | 22/10/2020 |
Annexure-A- SOP for States | डाउनलोड (691.22 KB) | 22/10/2020 |
Central Prison_14th May 2020_Final | डाउनलोड (1.75 MB) | 16/05/2020 |
Guidance Note-COVID-19 | डाउनलोड (13.33 KB) | 23/03/2020 |
Social Distancing Advisory by MOHFW | डाउनलोड (468.91 KB) | 23/03/2020 |
NACO Internship Programme | डाउनलोड (3.06 MB) | 10/04/2019 |
Weekly ARV stock Report dated 28.6.2018 | डाउनलोड (570.15 KB) | 04/07/2018 |
Minutes of the meeting of National TB HIV Coordination Committee (NTCC) held on 27th Mar, 2018 at Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi | डाउनलोड (1.51 MB) | 18/04/2018 |
Minutes of the meeting of National TB HIV Coordination Committee (NTCC) held on 27th Mar, 2018 at Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi | डाउनलोड (1.51 MB) | 18/04/2018 |
minutes of the meeting of National TB HIV Coordination Committee (NTCC) held on 27th Mar, 2018 at Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi | डाउनलोड (1.51 MB) | 11/04/2018 |
Data of Discarded Units | डाउनलोड (255.05 KB) | 17/08/2017 |
List of webinars conducted for strengthening QMS in NACO supported Blood Banks | डाउनलोड (10.54 KB) | 14/08/2017 |
Blood Transfusion Services (BTS) data for FY 2016 - 2017 | डाउनलोड (16.21 KB) | 11/07/2017 |
Minutes of 26th Meeting of Governing Body of NBTC | डाउनलोड (5.76 MB) | 10/07/2017 |
Pictures - National Level Workshop for Developing Communication Strategy towards 100% Voluntary Blood Donation | डाउनलोड (23.53 MB) | 15/05/2017 |
Minutes of Technical Specifications Committee Meeting- Testing Kits- 15.02.17 | डाउनलोड (1.48 MB) | 20/02/2017 |
Minutes of Technical Specifications Committee Meeting - Blood Bags - 15th Feb. 2017 | डाउनलोड (1.98 MB) | 20/02/2017 |
Rapid Assessment of Blood Transfusion Services in India | डाउनलोड (1.13 MB) | 04/10/2016 |
Blood Transfusion Services (BTS) data for FY 2015 - 2016 | डाउनलोड (76.82 KB) | 04/10/2016 |
Assessment of NACO supported Blood Banks in India | डाउनलोड (9.1 MB) | 29/09/2016 |
Minutes of technical specification -blood banks equipment | डाउनलोड (802.65 KB) | 04/02/2013 |