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राष्ट्रीय एड्स नियंत्रण संगठनNational Aids Control Organisation

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Data Analysis & Dissemination Unit

Data Analysis and Use

Data Analysis & Use, a key component of Strategic Information, NACO focuses on the NACP data security, quality, use and management.

Key activities under Data Analysis & Use

Programme Data Analysis:

Routine programme data analysis is one of the most important activities for measuring the programme performance, which helps to take informed decisions and course corrections, if necessary. In addition to this, with the objective of systematically analyzing the available program data, the National Data Analysis Plan (NDAP) activities are done periodically with following objectives:
(i) To identify topics/thematic areas that can be studied by analysing available program data.
(ii) To structure analysis by identifying key questions and appropriate methodologies/tools for analysis.
(iii) To commission analysis through a collaborative approach involving institutes, program units and senior experts as mentors, with agreed timelines.
(iv) To consolidate, discuss and disseminate the analytical outcomes for programmatic use.
(v) To promote scientific writing within the programme in the form of scientific papers, articles, reports, and briefs.

NACP Status Note of all States/UTs:

NACP status note is the consolidated progress report of the key indicators in a financial year, which is used during review meetings and visits of NACO officials and other Government Officials to different States/UTs.

SACS Scorecard (performance of States in NACP implementation):

Scorecard of SACS provides overall picture of states performance on National AIDS Control Programme implementation across all facilities. It also provides a big picture of areas that need more concentrated efforts to achieve NACP targets.

NACP Data Management:

Data Security: The National Data Management Committee at NACO is the internal committee and the role of the Committee is (i) to review data requests received at NACO, (ii) to provide inputs on disposal of physical files/ computer equipment containing HIV related information at NACO, (iii) to consider all the adverse events related to the NACP data reported to the committee, (iv) review of data access and data security at NACO and SACS and any other matter related to the NACP data management.

Data Quality Management: Under NACP, there are inbuilt validation in all the information management systems for data quality at the data entry points. In addition of this, routine programme data analysis is being done to find data errors, guidance on data quality management at reporting units and provision of quarterly review of NACP data quality at NACP facility and State/UT level.

National Data Hub: The National Data Hub (NDH) is a central digital repository of key reports, documents, publications, and approved data from various divisions of NACO at the central level.

NACP Data Sharing: NACO encourage the use of NACP data at all levels under the programme and outside the programme, for this there is robust mechanism of NACP data sharing at National and State level is in place.

Preparation of Guidelines/Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) related to NACP Data Management: The Guidelines/SOP covers all aspects of data protection measures, which includes protecting information from disclosure, procedures for accessing information, provision for security systems to protect the information stored in any form and mechanisms to ensure accountability and liability of persons in the establishment.

Capacity Building

Strengthening the capacity of NACP staff at various levels in analyzing data and making better use of it in decision making is central to the National AIDS & STD Control programme.

Guidelines/Standard Operating Procedures

Standard Operating Procedure for NACP Data Management at NACO, SACS and NACP establishment

Standard Operating Procedure for NACP Data Sharing at NACO and SACS

National Data Hub User Manual and Standard Operating Procedures

Draft NACP Data Management Guidelines 2020

National Data Analysis Plan

National Data Analysis Plan-I Report

Technical Brief on Efficiency of ART

Technical Brief on Estimating New Infections

Technical Brief on reducing deaths among PLHIV

Technical Brief on Strategic Framework

National Data Analysis Plan-II Report

Annual Report

Annual Report 2021-22
Annual Report 2020-21
Annual Report 2019-20
Annual Report 2018-19
Annual Report 2017-18
Annual Report 2016-17
Annual Report 2015-16
Annual Report 2014-15
Annual Report 2013-14
Annual Report 2012-13
Annual Report 2011-12
Annual Report 2010-11
Annual Report 2009-10
Annual Report 2008-09