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राष्ट्रीय एड्स नियंत्रण संगठनNational Aids Control Organisation

NACO Update
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NACO in Action

NACO in Action

National AIDS Control Organisation's work and programme evolve and revolve around its twin objective of bringing about HIV prevention and providing treatment to people living with HIV.

In this mission, NACO establishes an interface with the health service organisations through meetings, seminars and training programmes in sensitising and training healthcare providers, and augmenting services for prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS.

Through the State AIDS Prevention and Control Societies (SACS) and various NGOs, NACO guides prevention programme at state, district and village level that reaches out to health workers, high risk groups, bridge population and general people, particularly women.

To improve the visibility and acceptance of its prevention messages NACO seeks active participation of public idols and political leaders. Over the years, it has developed innovative means to spread awareness and bring about behaviour change among various high risk groups.

NACO also works with various school education boards in reaching out HIV education and life skills to highly vulnerable adolescent population of the country. It is also working with various government organisations in spreading the message of prevention and addressing the vulnerability of the personnel.