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राष्ट्रीय एड्स नियंत्रण संगठनNational Aids Control Organisation

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In India, HIV surveillance is one of the first interventions under the national AIDS response. Recognizing the HIV epidemic threat, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) initiated sero-surveillance in search of the virus in 1985, detecting the first case of HIV in India in April 1986. This sero-surveillance evolved into the HIV sentinel surveillance (HSS), which was first piloted in 1994 and then formalized into the annual surveillance system in 1998 under the National AIDS Control Programme (NACP).

The yearly HIV surveillance system under NACP gradually evolved into biennial HIV sentinel surveillance (HSS) plus. The 17th round, scheduled to be implemented in 2021, will be implemented among eight population groups [pregnant women, single male migrants (SMM), long-distance truckers (LDT), inmates at central prison sites, female sex workers (FSW), men who have sex with men (MSM), hijra/transgender (H/TG) people and injecting drug users (IDU)] targeting bio-behavioural data collection from almost 5.06 lakh samples. The blood specimen will be tested for four biomarkers, i.e., HIV, Syphilis, HBV, and HCV. This round will also collect relevant data on the background characteristics, related knowledge, services uptake, and risk behaviours through a focused tool.

Nationally, there were an estimated 23.49 lakh (17.98 lakh – 30.98 lakh) PLHIV in 2019, with an adult (15–49 years) HIV prevalence of 0.22% (0.17–0.29%). This includes around 79 thousand CLHIV accounting for 3.4% of the total PLHIV estimates. There were 9.94 lakh women living with HIV (15+ years) constituting around 44% of the total estimated 15+ years PLHIV. There were 69.22 thousand (37.03 thousand – 121.50 thousand) new HIV infections in 2019, which has declined by 37% since 2010 and by 86% since attaining the peak in 1997. There were 58.96 thousand (33.61 thousand – 102.16 thousand) AIDS-related deaths in the year 2019, which has declined by 66% since 2010 and by 78% since attaining its peak in 2005. HIV incidence was estimated at 0.05 per 1,000 uninfected population in 2019. Around 20.52 thousand pregnant women were estimated to be in need of PMTCT.


S. No. Title Attachment File
1 HIV Estimate Factsheet 2023 Download (16.92 MB) pdf
2 ANC HSS 2021:Technical Report Download (2.48 MB) pdf
3 Central Prisons 2021:Technical Report Download (7.58 MB) pdf
4 National Consultation Report On Integrated & Enhanced Surveillance and Epidemiology Download (17.54 MB) pdf
5 Strategic Framework on IESE of HIV, STD and Related Comorbidities Download (2.74 MB) pdf
6 National AIDS and STD Control Programme Phase-V: Strategy Document Download (2.15 MB) pdf
7 District-Level HIV Estimates and Prioritization in India 2019: Technical Brief Download (5.11 MB) pdf
8 Programmatic Mapping And Population Size Estimation (p-MPSE) Of High-Risk Groups: The Operational Manual Download (1.46 MB) pdf
9 BSS Lite 2020-Top Line Finding Download (13.73 MB) pdf
10 BSS-Lite (2019-20) Operational Manual Download (3.05 MB) pdf
11 ANC HSS 2019 Technical Report Download (3.33 MB) pdf
12 HSS PLUS 2019: Central Prison Sites Download (2.63 MB) pdf
13 Data Protection Guideline of National AIDS Control Programme Download (492.15 KB) pdf
14 HIV Sentinel Surveillance 2016-17: Technical Brief Download (19.56 MB) pdf
15 Sankalak: Status of National AIDS Response Download (2.48 MB) pdf
16 State Epidemiological Fact Sheets (Volume II, West & South Regions) Download (3.16 MB) pdf
17 State Epidemiological Fact Sheets (Volume III-Northern, Central & Eastern Region) Download (3.49 MB) pdf
18 State Epidemiological Fact Sheets (Volume I-North East Region) Download (1.37 MB) pdf
19 National IBBS Report for Hijras/Transgender People Download (1.79 MB) pdf
20 ANC HSS National Report 2014-15 Download (2.98 MB) pdf
21 FSW Data Form HSS 2017 Download (2.69 MB) pdf
22 HTG Data form HSS 2017 Download (2.44 MB) pdf
23 IDU Data form HSS 2017 Download (2.66 MB) pdf
24 LDT Data form HSS 2017 Download (2.5 MB) pdf
25 MSM Data form HSS 2017 Download (2.79 MB) pdf
26 SMM Data form HSS 2017 Download (3.07 MB) pdf
27 Assent Form in Hindi for HRG HSS 2017 Download (378.53 KB) pdf
28 ANC HSS 2017 Operational manual Download (21.57 MB) pdf
29 HRG HSS 2017 Operational Manual Download (25.23 MB) pdf
30 Consent Form in Hindi for HRG HSS 2017 Download (374.45 KB) pdf


S.No. Title Attachment File
1 White Paper on Mapping and Population Size estimation of High Risk Group Download (1.95 MB) pdf
2 HSS Data Form 2014-15 Download (1.27 MB) pdf
3 HSS Facilitator guideline 2014-15 Download (9.34 MB) pdf
4 Operational Manual 2014-15 Download (3.22 MB) pdf
5 Training Manual 2014-15 Download (16.24 MB) pdf
6 Wall Chart 2014-15 Download (908.53 KB) pdf
7 Operational Manual for ANC & STD Sentinel Sites, HSS 2012-13 Download (3.44 MB) pdf
8 Wall chart for ANC & STD Sentinel Sites, HSS 2012-13 Download (1.64 MB) pdf
9 Data Form for ANC & STD Clinic Attendees, HSS 2012-13 Download (2.78 MB) pdf
10 Data Form Transportation Sheet, HSS 2012-13 Download (226.88 KB) pdf
11 Sample Transportation Sheet, HSS 2012-13 Download (226.11 KB) pdf
12 Presentations for Training of ANC Sentinel Site Personnel, HSS 2012-13 Download (8.08 MB) zip
13 Wall Chart for HRG (Random Sampling) Download (5.08 MB) pdf
14 HRG Data form for MSM Download (5.72 MB) pdf
15 Wall Chart for HRG (Consecutive Sampling) Download (11.76 MB) pdf
16 Operational Manual for HRG's & STD Sentinel Sites, HSS 2010-11 Download (9.6 MB) pdf
17 Operational Guidelines for HIV Sentinel Surveillance 2008 Download (802.91 KB) pdf
18 Operational Guidelines for HIV Sentinel Surveillance Round 2007 Download (5.27 MB) pdf


S.No. Title Attachment File
1 Expert Consultation-2018: Newer Methods of HIV Surveillance & Estimations in India Download (13.07 MB) pdf
2 Expert Consultation-2016 Download (10.06 MB) pdf
3 Prevention Report Final Download (3.04 MB) pdf
4 HIV Sentinel Surveillance 2014-15 : A Technical Brief Download (8.19 MB) pdf
5 National Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveillance (IBBS) 2014-15 INDIA IBBS Report Download (2.65 MB) pdf
6 HIV Sentinel Surveillance 2012-13 - A Technical Brief Download (5.03 MB) pdf
7 HIV Sentinel Surveillance 2012-13 - Report Download (6.78 MB) pdf
8 HIV Sentinel Surveillance 2010-11, Technical Brief Download (10.66 MB) pdf
9 National BSS 2006 Download (2.54 MB) pdf
10 Note on HIV Sentinel Surveillance and HIV Estimation, 01 Feb 08 Download (819.31 KB) pdf
11 HIV Fact Sheets 2006 Download (2.33 MB) pdf
12 Annual HIV Sentinel Surveillance Country Report, 2006 Download (1.22 MB) pdf
13 HIV Sentinel Surveillance & HIV Estimation 2007 – Technical Brief India Download (730.37 KB) pdf
14 District categorization for Priority Attention under NACP-III, 2007 Download (679.79 KB) pdf
15 Annual HIV Sentinel Surveillance Country Report, 2008-09 Download (7.06 MB) pdf
16 District Epidemiological Profiling using Data Triangulation Download (8.98 MB) pdf


S.No. Title Attachment File
1 egazette-HIV/AIDS Act Download (1.8 MB) pdf
2 Notification of HIV/AIDS Act Download (1.6 MB) pdf, Download (1.8 MB) pdf
3 Contact details of Focal Persons at RI, HSS 2012-13 Download (162.2 KB) pdf
4 Contact details of Focal Persons at SACS, HSS 2012-13 Download (231.32 KB) pdf
5 List of sentinel sites of HSS 2012-13 Download (798.46 KB) pdf
6 List of composite sites of HSS 2012-13 Download (424.39 KB) pdf
7 Laboratory and Sentinel site linkages of HSS 2012-13 Download (216.1 KB) pdf