The 2ndround of technical working groups for IDU,MSM, Truckers and Migrants as well as that for ICTC has been completed. Updates will follow as and when the remaining working groups hold meetings. With reference to the regional civil society consultations, a hard copy of the report has been provided today. The report does not bring into context the differential requirement of the regions in which these consultations were held. The lack of region-specific strategies, for various interventions like Targeted Interventions, Care Support & Treatment, etc. will make the task of the Working Groups difficult. However,prior to this, NACO has attempted to gather inputs from the regional consultations through working group members in the second round of meetings.It may please be noted that NACO appreciates the active support of civil society and community members in this planning phase of NACP IV but requests for inputs to be shared in a timely and systematic manner.