As part of the planning for National AIDS Control Program (Phase- IV), National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) initiated the Working Groups for all thematic areas. The working groups comprised of representatives from civil society, community members, development partners, State AIDS Control organization, National AIDS Control Organization and other ministries like Women & Child, Education, Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Social Justice and Empowerment and National Rural Health Mission. Approximately more than 500 people participated in the working groups.
Working group discussions were followed by Regional Consultations and Multi-stakeholder meetings (between 9th–16th June 2011) wherein members of civil society, community representatives, NGOs and government officials participated to undertake another round of brain storming. Both the working group and the regional consultations helped come up with recommendations for ensuring a more effective National AIDS Control Programme. It is indeed an achievement that perspectives from diverse locations and communities are shaping the planning for NACP IV. The regional consultation provided an opportunity for community members and field level workers to be adequately represented, ensuring a strong community voice in the framing of NACP IV. NACO appreciates the efforts of civil society and partner agencies in getting these groups together and channeling their opinions constructively. We are eagerly awaiting civil society consultation reports which would have been useful for the upcoming round of Technical Working Group.
NACO also has launched an e-discussion on NACP- IV, the inputs of which have been very encouraging and insightful.
Following the first round of consultation on Care, Support and Treatment services, it was felt that inputs from civil society should be taken on board for a more exhaustive and wholesome discussion of the vision document for NACP- IV.
The time has come for us to embark upon the second round of Technical Working Groups from 11th July, 2011 onwards. The members will be coming together yet again to engage in discussions and sharpen the recommendations for implementation in the fourth phase of National AIDS Control Program.
NACO is thankful to all our community representatives and experts who helped identify the best available resources from the communities across the country. We hope to ensure that NACP-IV will address the needs of the community and all stakeholders are meaningfully involved in the National AIDS Control efforts.