JWG meeting with Directorate of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, MoSJE, 29th Sept
The 1st Joint Working Group meeting formed at the National Level was held at Directorate of Empowerment of Persons with Disability on 29th September 2016 at:- Pt. Deen Dyal Antodaya Bhawan. The meeting was chaired by Joinrt Secretary-DEPwD Mr. Awanish Awasthi and co-chaired by JS-NACO, Dr. C.V.Dharma Rao.
The outcome of the meeting resulted in instructions issued by the DEPwD to its state offices for inclusion of HIV and AIDS Services in Hospitals and HIV curriculum in courses undertaken by various institutes. Also a decision to organised a Voluntary Blood Donation Camp at Delhi, was taken with involvement of all the stakeholders of DEPwD and NACO.