- Preventing new infections by sustaining the reach of current interventions and effectively addressing emerging epidemics.
- Prevention of Parent to Child transmission.
- Focusing on IEC strategies for behavior change in HRG, awareness among general population and demand generation for HIV services.
- Providing comprehensive care, support and treatment to eligible PLHIV.
- Reducing stigma and discrimination through Greater involvement of PLHA(GIPA).
- De-centralizing rollout of services including technical support.
- Ensuring effective use of strategic information at all levels of programme.
- Building capacities of NGO and civil society partners especially in states with emerging epidemics.
- Integrating HIV services with health systems in a phased manner
- Mainstreaming of HIV/AIDS activities with all key central/state level Ministries/departments will be given a high priority and resources of the respective departments will be leveraged. Social protection and insurance mechanisms for PLHIV will be strengthened.
Mainstreaming and partnerships are the key approaches to facilitate multi-sectoral response engaging a wide range of stakeholders. Private sector, civil society organisations, networks of people living with HIV/AIDS and government departments all have a crucial role in prevention, care, support, treatment and service delivery. Technical and financial resources of the development partners are leveraged to achieve the objectives of the programme.