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राष्ट्रीय एड्स नियंत्रण संगठनNational Aids Control Organisation

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The guiding principle of NACP-III was the unifying belief of Three Ones. This framework ensures effective use of information generated by government agencies, NGOs, civil society and development partners. Strengthening the nationwide SIMS was one of the four key strategies of the third phase of the National AIDS Control Programme of India.

SIMS is a web-based application with sophisticated tools meant for data analysis and integration from different data sources and platforms. This is the most important tool for addressing the challenges relating to the multiple data systems and data set versions. At National level, this single M&E system will prevent parallel data gathering by different individuals and divisions.

Data analysis and integration from different data sources/platforms, having adequate data quality through centralized validated data, improved data transfer mechanisms using the web-enabled application and efficient data management rights (Access Rights Control) from reporting unit to national level is the greatest hall mark of this system.

Data analysis and integration from different data sources/platforms, having adequate data quality through centralized validated data, improved data transfer mechanisms using the web-enabled application and efficient data management rights (Access Rights Control) from reporting unit to national level is the greatest hall mark of this system.

SIMS was launched in August 2010. During September 2010 to June 2011, four phases of training was undertaken for national, states, districts and reporting units level users, in which over 10,000 users were trained.

Rollout of SIMS began on pilot basis in Delhi in August 2011, followed by roll out in 7 states from September 2011 and in the remaining states from December 2011. Data entry is progress in all the states from December, 2011.

Strategic Information Management System (SIMS)

SIMS Wall Chart (2.3MB) SIMS